

Testing (Phase 3) may commence if the results of Phase 2 indicate the presence of a urethane type rubber floor and the need for bulk and air sampling.

Multi-Agency Sampling Plan

The environmental testing is estimated to cost less than $5,000 and the air balancing is estimated to be less than $1,500 for each floor, which allows for environmental testing and air balancing firms to be procured by obtaining three written quotes pusuant to A.R.S. §41-2535 and A.A.C. R2-7-D301 and R2-7-D305. The SFB obtained written quotes from three environmental testing companies and four air balancing firms for school districts to use, the lowest of which may be requested for funding from the School Facilities Board.

The Board may award funding for the Assessment and Testing Phases separately and use the online District Access Portal(Grants/Flooring Test) application process to manage the funding.

As the results of Phase 3 for each floor are evaluated, the Multi-Agency Task Force may develop Phase 4 for those school districts that require short and long term planning for remediation of the floor.

School districts should submit assessment and testing invoices to the School Facilities Board with these two documents below.